Military intelligence



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Military intelligence

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Military intelligence

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Military intelligence

46 Archival description results for Military intelligence

Only results directly related


  • MISC49
  • Collection
  • 1939-1944

German armed forces maps, gazetteers, and geographic charts of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944. Includes detailed study produced by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force concerning the organisation of the RAF, the strengths and locations of British aircraft production facilities, the location of RAF flight schools, airfields and anti-aircraft facilities, the location and strengths of RN facilities in Britain and the North Sea, and British aircraft carrier strengths, 1939; German harbour atlas and gazetteer produced and distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Seehafensatlas Großbritannien, detailing in 1:50,000 maps and aerial photographs, naval harbours and ports in Britain, 1940; German Navy High Command map books of naval ports and harbours in the United Kingdom, their associated agricultural and heavy industries production rates, defence facilities, and geographical locations, 1940; map books issued by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Luftgeographisches Einzelheft Großbritannien, detailing the location of British heavy industry, gas works, water works, aircraft and naval production facilities in Britain, including 1:21,120 maps, 1940; German Army High Command book, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, and detailing in photographs the towns, cities and countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland; German Army Command gazetteer of Ireland and Northern Ireland, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, listing county sizes, numbers of inhabitants, population densities, industries, and harbour and port facilities in Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1940; German Army High Command gazetteers of Britain, listing alphabetically towns and cities, their longitude and latitude co-ordinates, their respective counties, numbers of inhabitants, industrial and agricultural production rates, and trains station facilities, 1941; map book distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Britische Flugrüstungsindustrie, detailing the location, size, and production rate of ship-building and aircraft production centres in Great Britain, 1941; map books distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force including detailed photographs, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 maps, longitude and latitude co-ordinates, population density statistics, and points of reference notes for town and cities in Britain, 1943-1944

WOODS, Lt Col George Greville (1870-1947)

  • Collection
  • 1889-1908

Photograph album entitled 'Ellichpur, Berar, India, September 1893', containing 136 captioned photographs, Sep 1889-Jul 1894, including visit to Brussels and Ostend, Belgium, 1889; Mandalay and Rangoon, Burma, Dec 1889; Bombay, India, 1892; the arrival, mounting and testing of 10 inch breech loading gun, Colabra South Battery, Bombay, Mar-Sep 1892; photograph of Lt Gen Hon Sir James Charlemagne Dormer, Commander-in-Chief, Madras, India, examining large calibre gun, Beder Fort, Beder, India, Dec 1892. Photograph album containing 150 captioned photographs, Jun 1894-Mar 1908, including Simla, India, 1894; the Bhori Ghaut Railway, and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, India, 1896-1898; Burma, 1906-1907, with printed article by Woods entitled 'A motor car in the Southern Shan hills of Burmah' from Indian Motor News, Aug 1908. Photograph album containing 84 photographs on expedition in Mongolia, Apr-May 1902, with typescript report by Woods to the Deputy Quartermaster General for Intelligence, China Force, Tientsin, North China, entitled 'General report on tour to Lama Miao and back via the Wei Chang (Imperial hunting grounds)', Aug 1902; also, printed report entitled 'China Expedition - Despatches', 24 Sep 1902, by Maj Gen O'Moore Creagh, General Officer Commanding China Force, published in The Royal Engineers Journal, 1 Jan 1903. Photograph album containing 129 captioned photographs, many colour tinted, of Japan and the USA, 1904, and the UK and Switzerland, 1905. Two photograph albums containing 72 captioned photographs including Tientsin and the Yangtse river, China, 1904, and Kilkeel, Ireland, 1905.

Woods, George Greville, 1870-1947, Lieutenant Colonel

WOODHOUSE, Col Hon Christopher Montague (1917-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1942-2001

Papers, 1942-1945, 1953 relating to Woodhouse's service with the Special Operations Executive (SOE), as Second in Command, and later Commander, of the British (later Allied) Military Mission to the Greek guerrillas in German occupied Greece(BMM/AMM) and the Iranian military coup, 1953. Includes correspondence between BMM and Middle East Command in Cairo comprising telegrams, operation orders, notes, minutes, reports and memoranda, Sep 1942-Jan 1945; other papers relating to BMM/AMM including Woodhouse's diaries with typescript transcript; nominal roll of Force 133 personnel, Aug 1944, articles and reports; papers on New Zealanders in BMM/AMM; maps; post-war papers on Greece including BBC Monitoring Service records, 1948-1952; publications, lectures, articles and broadcasts on Greece and the BMM/AMM by Woodhouse and others including Andreas Tzimas, EAM Central Committee member during Greek occupation and US Maj Gerald (Jerry) K Wines, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and correspondence related to research on BMM/AMM; papers concerning funerals, memorials and decorations relating to the BMM/AMM; artefacts from the BMM/AMM. Papers on the SIS/CIA plot to overthrow Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mussadeq (Operations BOOT and AJAX), 1953. Draft translation of Panagiōtēs Kanellopoulos's History of the European Spirit from Greek to English and volumes of History of the European Spirit in the original Greek.

Woodhouse, Christopher Montague, 1917-2001, 5th Baron Terrington, Colonel

WILLCOX, Lt Col Walter Temple (1869-1943)

  • Collection
  • 1881-1918

Papers, 1881-1926; notably war diaries of the 3 Hussars during World War One, 1914-1919; private diary of Willcox, 1914; intelligence summaries with translated extracts from German documents, 1917-1918; typescript account of the 3 Hussars at Warneton, Belgium, Oct 1914; typescript account of the action of the 3 Hussars at Liez, France, March 1918 and near Hourges, France, Apr 1918; aerial photographs showing trench network, Beaucamp, France, 1916; copy of a diary by Willcox compiled during the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, with two popular printed commemorative volumes describing the siege, 1899-1900; diary by Willcox of a visit by him as an observer of German army manoeuvres, Berlin area, with photographs, 1909; letters sent by Willcox to his parents and other relatives, 1881-1900; photographs of India, South Africa during the Boer War, in 1910 and the Western Front during World War One, showing groups of soldiers, equipment, the interiors and exteriors of buildings, including in Pretoria, of military exercises, parades, preparation for possible gas attack and of French chateaux, [1889-1919]; various papers compiled by Willcox during the compilation of his history of the 3 Hussars including operational summaries, biographical information and drawings and photographs, with reviews of Willcox's publications, 1908-1926; watercolours of the French landscape during World War One; manuscript hunting journal including detailed diaries and records of pig-sticking, tiger shooting and other hunts in Africa, Scotland and India, 1894-1932; colour illustrations of soldiers in various antique constumes.

Willcox, Walter Temple, 1869-1943, Lieutenant Colonel


  • MF825-MF830
  • Collection
  • 1967-1975

The Vietnam Documents and Research Notes Series reproduces in microfilm captured and translated Viet Cong and North Vietnamese political and military reports, treatises, resolutions, directives and programme descriptions compiled by JUSPAO, Oct 1967-Feb 1975. The 'notes' in the collection also contain US and South Vietnamese commentary on the enemy materiel, as well as analyses of political methodology, strategy, infrastructure, and history. While the majority of notes relate to political topics, military topics include analyses of soldiers' diaries and comments on military conditions and operations. Papers include composite diary highlighting the plight of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers serving in South Vietnam, Dec 1966; diary of a North Vietnamese Army soldier en route to South Vietnam, including mention of his political indoctrination and military training, Oct 1967; North Vietnamese directive defining the political tasks for North Vietnamese An Thai Regt, Oct 1967; directive from Headquarters of Viet Cong Military Region 5, relating to repression of counter-revolutionaries, Oct 1967; Viet Cong training document, Mar 1968; Viet Cong post-operation report relating to military operations during the Tet Offensive, Apr 1968; Sixth Resolution, Central Office, South Vietnam, assessing the results of the Tet Offensive, Jul 1968; Liberation Radio broadcast texts outlining the political programme of the Alliance of National, Democratic, and Peace Forces, Sep 1968; broadcast reports relating to the death of Ho Chi Minh, Sep 1969; speeches by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Nov 1969; report, issued by the commander of Unit 591, detailing the shortcomings of his unit, including low morale, poor leadership, self-inflicted wounds and surrender, Feb 1970; conference notes relating to the Indochinese Peoples' Summit Conference, Apr 1970; report detailing the establishment and organisation of the Public Security Sector and the People's Police Force in North Vietnam, Jan 1971; captured documents highlighting the effects of an unsuccessful military campaign, loss of key cadre on the village levels, and the slow recruitment of personnel, Apr 1971; full text of Liberation Radio broadcast of Maj Gen Tran Do highlighting the problem and result of poor political indoctrination and ideological education, May 1971; lists of members, denoting office or responsibility of Communist Vietnamese organisations including the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, the National Liberation Front and the People's Revolutionary Party, Jun 1972; articles by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Jun-Oct 1972; papers relating to the abandonment of the military and political seizure of Danang, Dec 1972; Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN) directives relating to the economic situation in South Vietnam following the Paris Peace Talks, 1974-1975


  • MFF6
  • Collection
  • 1942-1946

Wartime Translations of Seized Japanese Documents: Allied Translator and Interpreter Section Reports, 1942-1946 is a themed microfiche collection of 7,200 translated Japanese documents. The collection includes translated seized Japanese diaires, Allied interrogation reports of Japanese soldiers and civilians, Japanese reconnaissance reports, US summaries of enemy activities, and Allied tactical and strategic reports on Japanese military movements issued by Allied General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA), and Advanced Echelons of the Australian New Guinea Force; US 6 Army; US 1 Corps; US 11 Corps; US 10 Corps; US 8 Army; US 14 Army; 1 Australian Corps; and US 24 Corps. Included are all documents bearing the notation 'Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, Southwest Pacific Area' and issued during the period 1942-1946. As noted above, the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) was re-organised after the terms of Japanese surrender were signed on 2 Sep 1945, and its mission was altered to reflect the needs of the Supreme Command, Allied Powers (SCAP), occupation force. During its transition to a service within SCAP, ATIS continued to issue documents under the aegis of General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA) and these documents are included in the collection. Major subjects covered in ATIS documents are Japanese military strategy and tactics; specific intelligence on Japanese troop movements, equipment, and order of battle; indigenous political movements and political geography of the Southwest Pacific; technical data on Japanese military equipment; and, information obtained from Japanese prisoners of war. ATIS translations of seized Japanese materials also made available English language versions of documents, maps, charts, and other official Japanese visual records. Principal among the types of materials collected and translated by ATIS were: personal diaries obtained from Japanese prisoners of war or removed from the bodies of Japanese killed in action, detailing Japanese military operations and objectives as well as personal accounts of the war; letters and personal correspondence, paybooks, and Military Postal Savings Books carried by Japanese soldiers; official Japanese unit field diaries; official Japanese military orders and orders of battle; maps and charts relating to Japanese shipping routes, military positions, airfields, and order of battle plans; Japanese propaganda and psychological warfare documents; Allied interrogations reports of Japanese prisoners of war, detailing Japanese military positions and troop morale; and, Japanese technical manuals, detailing weaponry and supplies.


  • MF204-MF211
  • Collection
  • 1942-1945

OSS/London: Special Operations Branch and Secret Intelligence Branch War Diaries is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Office of Strategic Services (OSS)intelligence analyses and special operations in Western Europe, Jun 1942-Jun 1945. The collection includes Special Operations Branch organisation charts and directives, orders and summaries, Jun 1942-Jul 1944; Special Operations (SO) Branch and OSS training schedules; papers relating to Special Operations Branch liaison with Scandinavian Special Operations Executive (SOE) Section; reports on military and strategic objectives relating to Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of France, Jan-Sep 1944; estimates of Special Operations personnel strength, Apr-Jun 1944; reports on resistance movements in Norway, Denmark, and Poland; summaries of Secret Intelligence Branch Operations, Apr-Sep 1944; list of decorations, commendations, and payments to families of the Special Operations and Secret Intelligence Branch casualties; biographies of Secret Intelligence personnel; reports from Secret Intelligence Branch operations in the Netherlands, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia; Germany; Secret Intelligence Branch liaison with the OSS; photographs of American and British Special Operations Branch officers; photographs of Maquis, French resistance, operatives; report from the Special Mission on German Methods of Demolition and Sabotage, Sep-Dec 1944; reports on Polish resistance fighters in France, 1944; lists of code names and code words used by the Special Operations Branch; reports from military, demolition, intelligence gathering, and espionage missions in Western Europe, 1944; after action summaries from the OSS Reports and Registry Division, London, and the OSS Reports Board, Paris, France, 1 Jan-15 Jun 1945.


  • MF463-MF493
  • Collection
  • 1918-1941

US Military Intelligence Reports: Japan, 1918-1941 is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Military Intelligence Division (MID) in Japan, 1918- 1941. Included in the collection are microfilmed copies of US MID reports from the military attaché and his staff, and correspondence and telegrams between the military attaché, his staff, US Army Headquarters and the Japanese Imperial Army Headquarters, and US and foreign diplomats throughout the Far East. These documents have been arranged into eight sections: general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, general conditions in Korea, army, field artillery, navy, and aviation. These sections are not mutually exclusive and all include a range of routine and special reports. Reports on domestic policy cover the rise of right wing, socialist, and communist organisations in Japan; the effects of the 1923 earthquake; Japanese industrial expansion, notably the securing of raw materials from neighbouring countries; the South Manchurian Railway Company; oil prospecting; and the iron and steel industries. Military and foreign policy reports concern the occupation of Korea, Siberia, Manchuria (Manchukuo), and the 1919 independence demonstrations in Korea. Specific military reports cover Japanese military tactics; military regulations; combat principles; training; organisation, the social attitude of officers; civil-military relations; aviation technology and statistics; the annual budgets of the Japanese War Ministry; naval building programmes; the scrapping of warships in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922; naval operations in World War One; the use of air power against China; and the construction of offensive airfields in Indo-China.


  • MF427-MF433
  • Collection
  • 1945-1953

President Harry S Truman's Office Files, 1945-1953: Korea is a themed microfilm collection relating to US foreign policy decision making with respect to Korea, 1945-1953. Included in the collection are copies of Presidential memoranda and eeting minutes, 1945-1953; US foreign policy analyses relating to the Japanese occupation of Korea, 1945; US Department of State reports relating to the social, economic, political, and military situation in Korea, 1945- 1953; US military and political intelligence assessments, 1945-1953; US military projections, 1946-1950; US analyses of the United Nations sponsored intervention in Korea, 1950; Presidential reports concerning the conduct of US operations in the Korean War, 1950-1953.

SULLIVAN, Lt Col Arthur Joseph (1899-1981)

  • Collection
  • [1962-1970]

Typescript text on 'The birth of the Intelligence Corps', BEF, 1939-1940, written in [1962-1970].

Sullivan, Arthur Joseph, 1899-1981, Lieutenant Colonel

STARLING, Brig John Geoffrey (1928-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1944-1992

Papers relating to the career of Brig John 'Joe' Starling, 1947-1992, including copy of memoir Soldier On! The Testament of a Tom , (Spellmount Ltd., 1992), detailing 45 years of Starling's military career; pamphlets and brochures advertising the Parachute Regiment and the Red Devils display team including The Parachute Regiment: Challenge! , c.1970; Train to be a Parachute Soldier , [1975]; Parachute Regiment and Officer Parachute Regiment , Office of Information, 1985; The Airborne Initiative: The 1990 Airborne Forces Golden Jubilee Appeal , 1989 and recruitment posters; recognition guides including Tips for Tankers: Defeating Soviet Armor , US Army Armor School, c 1955; Recognition Handbook: Foreign Weapons and Equipment (USSR) , MOD, 1964; Notes on the Soviet Ground Forces , MOD, 1972; Intelligence Aide-Memoire , Staff College, Camberley, 1976; Threat Recognition Guide , 1 (BR) Intelligence Training Directive, 1984; RAF: Aircraft, Missiles, Vehicles , Office of Information, 1985; Threat Recognition Guide , 1 (BR) Intelligence Training Directive, 1988; and flipbook showing Soviet weaponry and equipment.

Publications including Field Engineering and Mine Warfare, Pamphlet No. 4: Mines - Individual Mechanisms , War Office, 1961; NATO: Facts and Figures , NATO Information Service, 1971; Ranger Handbook , United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, May 1972; Northern Ireland: What is it like for soldiers? , HMSO, 1974; Back Pocket Briefs: Royal Navy, Directorate of Naval Staff Duties , MOD, c.1988.

Lecture notes, handouts, pictures, maps and teaching aids on topics including lessons learned at Fibua Tewt, Aden, May-June 1967; battle handling exercises: tank stalk and tank ambush; explosive excavation of trenches; tactical exercises, Joint Services Free Fall Trials Team, May 1971, and the construction of petrol bombs to effectively attack tanks. Photographs including Starling in a rubber estate, evening meal in the jungle, Bukit Prang Base, river crossing, a patrol resting, armoured 3 ton truck, the corpses of Tamil terrorists killed in ambush, captured weapons displayed by an Iban tracker, Malay policemen and Starling, Malaya, 1949; group photographs including Champion and Waterloo Company; Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, July 1947; Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Hare and Hounds; Waterloo Company, July 1948; No 2 Platoon, East Anglian Regiment Training Brigade; Officers, School of Infantry (Platoon Weapons Wing), Hythe, May 1950; School of Infantry Tactical Wing Platoon Commanders Course, August 1950 and the Parachute Regiment Regimental Sergeants Major Convention, March 1973. Also Yemeni flag with National Liberation Front slogan in Arabic, Aden, 1963.

Starling, John Geoffrey ('Joe'), 1928-1996, Brigadier

SPEARS, Maj Gen Sir Edward Louis (1886-1974)

  • Collection
  • 1851-[1974]

Papers, mainly on World War One compiled by Sir Edward Louis Spears, 1851-[1974]; notably including official World War One correspondence and telegrams, to GHQ, 1 Army, Gen Douglas Haig, Lt Gen Sir Henry Wilson and other officers, on infantry composition, munitions and artillery, lists of officers, colonial troops, morale, observation and intelligence gathering, the lessons of specific campaigns, the employment of tanks, casualties, prisoners of war (POWs), training, public opinion, operational orders for the French 6 Army by Gen Emile Fayolle, and more generally relations between the French and British armies, meetings, views and opinions by and concerning French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain, French Northern Army Commander, Ferdinand Foch, and Robert Nivelle, French C-in-C, 1916-1917, an interview with Georges Clemenceau, French Prime Minister from Nov 1917, US, Japanese, Greek and other correspondence and communications over Siberia, Japan, Finland, Bulgaria, and demands for independence by Eastern European peoples, US participation in the War and opinions on President Woodrow Wilson, Italian military offensives, precis of interviews with corps and army commanders, manuscript diary (1915), on the Russian civil war, post-war commerce, letters to Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, 1914-1920 on topics including the international political and military situation, notably in Russia and eastern Europe, and the progress of the Paris peace conference, 1919 prior to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (Spears Section 1); unpublished material collected by Spears for his publications on the War, including a report of events for 122 Bd, Royal Field Artillery (1916), detailed memoranda and correspondence concerning operations notably comprising copy letters between FM Sir Douglas Haig, Gen Nivelle, and others including to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, and on reinforcements, the German postions, the Calais Agreement of February 1917, 1 and 3 Army operations, Franch Army mutinies in 1917, extracts from a diary covering the Battle of Arras, Apr 1917, the politics of liaison, interviews with French and British officers, including French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain and Lt Gen Sir Launcelot Edward Kiggell reflecting on strategic and other concerns, 1916-1938 (Spears Section 2); printed material by other authors on World War One used by Spears in his published studies, [1917-1964] (Spears Section 3); draft notes and chapters for Spears' published works on World War One, [1919-1974] (Spears Section 4); original source material and notes by Spears on the 1870 Siege of Paris, mainly rough notes and draft chapters on the Siege, original and copy letters from participants describing events and an exercise book containing lecture notes redating the Franco-Prussian War, [1851-1974] (Spears Section 5); newspaper reviews of Spears' books and critics' letters, 1930-1969 (Spears Section 6); material relating to a war memorial at Mons, 1936-1968 (Spears Section 7); personal papers, mainly articles on the life of Spears [1918-1974] (Spears Section 8), maps, principally of Arras, Bullecourt and Mons, during 1917 [1917]-1959 (Spears Section 9); photographic material, post cards and watercolour sketches, including of trenches, damaged buildings, troops and officers, and a visit to the Balkans in 1920, 1914-[1920] (Spears Section 10); photocopies of some items of Second World War material transferred to Churchill College, Cambridge, mainly on the fall of France, General de Gaulle, and French resistance, [1940-1943].

Spears, Sir Edward Louis, 1886-1974, 1st Baronet, Major General

SANDERSON, Col L H F (fl 1915-1980)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1948

Copies of typescript Indian Corps Intelligence Summaries, France, Aug 1915, and typescript account in French entitled 'Quelques faits importants de la Guerre par rapport a Merville', 1919. Papers relating to Sanderson's military intelligence work, 1940-1945, including typescript intelligence reports and summaries relating to the likely invasion of UK, 1940-1941, notably typescript Southern Command memorandum entitled 'Enemy craft likely to be used in invasion of UK and their employment', Jan 1941; typescript translations of German directives on the planned invasion of the UK, Operation SEELÖWE, 1940, taken from documents captured by the Allies in 1945; typescript copies, with translations, of Adolf Hitler's last will and his private and political testament, dated 29 Apr 1945. Printed volume, 'Notes on German preparation for invasion of the UK', prepared by General Staff, War Office, and issued to officers of MI14, Apr 1941. Printed volume in German entitled Informationsheft GB, produced by the Germans in World War Two as a manual on British life, customs, Government and administration [1940].

Sanderson, L H F, fl 1915-1980, Colonel

ROBERTSON, Lt Col Thomas Argyll (1909-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1994

Booklet of memorial addresses giving details of his service with Section B1A, MI5, [1939-1945], dated 1994.

Robertson, Thomas Argyll, 1909-1994, Lieutenant Colonel

ROBERTS, Maj Gen Philip (1906-1997)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1992

Papers relating to Roberts' life and career, 1940-1992, including twenty four detailed letters home to his father, Col William Bradley Roberts, from North Africa and North West Europe, 1940-1944; papers relating to operations in North Africa, 1941-1943, including memoranda, typescript intelligence summaries and typescript and manuscript notes, notably on operations of 22 Guards Bde and 7 Armoured Div, North Africa, Jun 1941; brief notes and correspondence on tank deployment, tactics and specifications, 1943-1944, including typescript copy of letter from Gen Sir Bernard Law Montgomery to Lt Gen Sir Ronald Weeks, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, on tank specifications, Apr 1944; correspondence, accounts and notes relating to 11 Armoured Div operations in North West Europe, 1944-1945, notably planning notes and reports on Operation GOODWOOD, the 2 Army offensive south east of Caen, France, Jul 1944; typescript and manuscript accounts by personnel of 11 Armoured Div, dated 1982-1993, relating to operations in North West Europe, 1944-1945; correspondence, 1948-1992, including letters from Lt Gen Sir Henry Royds Pownall, Sep 1948, Lt Gen Sir Giffard Le Quesne Martel, 1951, Maj Gen Raymond Briggs, Feb 1951, Maj Gen Sir Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart, Sep 1952, and Maj Gen Ronald Frederick King 'David' Belchem, Nov 1978; correspondence between Roberts and the Daily Mail relating to articles written by Roberts on the possibility of a future war with the USSR, 1950-1951; press cuttings relating to service in World War Two, 1939-1945; correspondence between Roberts and The Guardian, Aug-Nov 1969, concerning the liberation of Antwerp, Belgium, 1944; newspaper cuttings, dated 1942-1967, relating to Roberts' service in World War Two, 1939-1945; one group photograph including Roberts [1945]; audiotape of BBC radio broadcast by Roberts, 1944, and after dinner speech, 1990.

Roberts, George Philip Bradley, 1906-1997, Major General

ROBERTS, Gen Sir Ouvry Lindfield (1898-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1898-1986

Papers of General Sir Ouvry Lindfield Roberts, 1898-1986, including diaries, 1913-1985; memoirs, including drafts; personal and official photographs; personal and official correspondence; press cuttings; issues of the Royal Engineers' journal, 1976-1986 and papers relating to Iffley Church, Royal events, Roberts' time in Canada, ceremonies, dinners and memorials.

Roberts, Sir Ouvry Lindfield, 1898-1986, Knight, Lieutenant General

PENNEY, Maj Gen Sir Ronald Campbell (1896-1964)

  • Collection
  • 1920-1962

Papers relating to his command of 1 Infantry Div, Anzio, Italy, 1944, dated 1943-1962, principally comprising correspondence and memoranda, 1943-1944; diary and typescript diary entries, 1943-1944; operation orders, tactical notes and maps, 1944; written accounts of operations carried out by 1 Div and individual regiments and battalions, 1944; correspondence relating to historical accounts of the landings, 1945-1962, notably Anzio by Wynford Vaughan Thomas (Longmans, London, 1961). Other papers relating to his life and career, 1920-1958, notably including an article by Penney on his service in Wazaristan, India, 1937, reprinted from the Royal Signals Quarterly Journal, Oct 1938 and Jan 1939; memoranda from General Staff, Shanghai, from the City Government of Shanghai and from W R Connor Green, British Embassy, Tokyo, concerning relations between the Chinese and Japanese, and the role of the British garrison in the protection of Shanghai, 1931-1933; diary, 1932, referring principally to matters affecting British troops in Shanghai; press cuttings, [1932]; anti-Japanese propaganda posters produced by the Shanghai Municipality National Salvation Committee to Resist Japan, [1932]; itinerary of Penney's movements in the Middle East and North Africa, 1941-1943; diary, 1943-1944, including description of Allied Forces HQ, Algiers, and reflections on the differences between US and British signals procedure; official and personal correspondence relating to his service as Director of Intelligence, HQ Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia, [1945].

Penney, Sir William Ronald Campbell, 1896-1964, Knight, Major General

MYERS, Brig Edmund Charles Wolf (1906-1997)

  • Collection
  • 1942-1981

Papers of Edmund Myers, 1942-1981, relating to his service as Commander, of the British Military Mission to the Greek partisans in German occupied Greece, 1942-1943, Special Operations Executive (SOE). Notably on Operation HARLING and the destruction of the Gorgopotamos Viaduct, Greece, Nov 1942 and Operation WASHING, the destruction of the Asopos Viaduct, Greece, Jun 1943. Also including reports, lectures and radio broadcasts on Greece and the British Military Mission; papers relating to the National Band of Rebels formed under Allied command; papers relating to a delegation of six Greek partisans (andartes) sent to Cairo to consult with the Greek government in attempt to avoid political crisis and civil war, Aug 1943; papers on British support of Greek monarch, King George II; correspondence on Myers' attempts to return to Greece; maps related to British Military Mission; photographs of the British Military Mission including individuals, landscapes and the British Military cemetery in Athens, 1971; post-war papers on Greece including correspondence with Myers, draft copy of Greek Entanglement by Myers with scrapbook of reviews and papers relating to the funeral of Gen Napoleon Zervas.

Myers, Edmund Charles Wolf, 1906-1997, Brigadier

MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, Brig Eric (1896-1978)

  • Collection
  • 1914

Papers relating to his military career, 1914-1945, dated 1914, 1917-1918, [1945]-1978, principally comprising typescript texts of lectures, [1965-1975], on his service with the Australian Military Forces, 1937-1939, the planning and execution of Allied invasion of North Africa, 1942, and his service with the SOE, North West Europe, 1943-1945; correspondence with Sir ArthurWynne Morgan Bryant, 1978, concerning Mockler-Ferryman's service with Maj Gen John Greer Dill, Commandant, Staff College, Camberley, 1933, and Gen Sir Alan Francis Brooke (later FM Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke of Brookeborough), Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, 1940-1941.

Ferryman, Eric Mockler-, 1896-1978, Brigadier

METSON, Dr Gilbert Harold (1907-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1942-1943

Papers relating to the North African landings (Operation TORCH), 1942, principally comprising signalinstructions, intelligence summaries and various maps and diagrams relating to wireless communication in North Africa, Oct 42; official note concerning project for the establishment of signal communications in Bizerta and Tunis (Operation DECIBEL), including maps andappendices on storage dumps and naval requirements, written by Metson as Commander, 11 Unit, Lines of Communications Signals for circulation to Chief Signal Officer and 11 Unit personnel, Apr 1943.

Metson, Dr Gilbert Harold, 1907-1981, scientist

Results 1 to 20 of 46