State security



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State security

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State security

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State security

549 Archival description results for State security

549 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

HERBERT, Brig Charles Edward Mercer (1904-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1930

Papers relating to his military career, 1922-1946, dated 1930, 1936 and [1946] principally comprising typescript log of railway survey work carried out by Herbert, Lt Charles Granville Barry Greaves and Capt Donald Maitland James Murray, Tanganyika, 1930, written by [Murray] in [1930]; The Royal Engineers Journal vol 50 Sep 1936, including 'Railway Survey in Tanganyika Territory' by Herbert; official 501 Inter-Service Mission 'Transportation report on the proposal for a base in East Africa', written by Herbert in 1946; copies of letters of appreciation concerning rehabilitation of Burma railway system carried out by Transportation Service, 1945; copy of Herbert's curriculum vitae, 1922-1946, written in 1946.

Herbert, Charles Edward Mercer, 1904-1981, Brigadier

HENNIKER, Brig Sir Mark Chandos Auberon (1906-1991)

  • Collection
  • 1942-1945

Papers, mostly photocopies, relating to Operation FRESHMAN, an abortive British-Norwegian assault on a heavy water plant at Vemork, Norway, Nov 1942, written in 1942-1945 and [1983], notably operation orders, Nov 1942; letter to Maj Pardon, dated Jul 1945, giving extracts from Henniker's report on the operation, written in [1942]; summary of information received about the movements of personnel from the crashed gliders, Jun 1945.

Henniker, Sir Mark Chandos Auberon, 1906-1991, Baronet, Brigadier

HELY, Brig Alfred Francis (1902-1990)

  • HELY
  • Collection
  • 1991

Copy of 'Tim', a typescript account of Hely's life and career, 1902-1990, notably his service with 60 Field Regt in the Western Desert, including action around Sidi Rezegh, Nov 1941, and with 7 Indian Div in India, 1942 and Burma, 1943-1945, including the Japanese attack on 15 Indian Corps' administrative base at Sinzweya, Burma, Feb 1944, written in 1991 by 'L R L', Hely's Bde Maj, Royal Artillery, 7 Div, 1942-1944. Includes extracts from Hely's descriptions of actions at Sidi Rezegh and Sinzweya written for The Royal Artillery Commemoration Book, 1939-1945 (G Bell and Sons, London, 1950).

Hely, Alfred Francis, 1902-1990, Brigadier

HECHLER, Maj Kenneth William (1914-2016)

  • Collection
  • 1949

Photocopy of the report 'The Enemy Side of the Hill, the 1945 background on interrogation of German commanders', compiled by Maj Kenneth William Hechler, chief interrogator, 1949.

Hechler, Kenneth William, 1914-2016, US military historian and politician

HEARD, Lt Col John Arthur Edward (1907-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1901-1903

Papers relating to British produced propaganda for the Indian Army, produced to counter Japanese propaganda aimed to entice Indian Army personnel to desert and fight for the Japanese led Indian National Army, India and Burma, 1943-1945, including correspondence, memoranda, personal papers and propaganda material, 1939-1946. Also, scrapbook album of watercolours, sketches, photographs, menus, invitations and autographs, created 1901-1903 by Beryl White (1877-1954) relating to her life in Sikkim, northern India.

Heard, John Arthur Edward, 1907-1986, Lieutenant Colonel

HEAL, Lt Arthur (1916-2002)

  • HEAL
  • Collection
  • 1944

Photocopies of papers relating to his service in World War Two, 1943-1944, dated 1944, 1947 and 1980, principally comprising notes for a lecture to the Royal Engineers Officer Cadet Training Unit on the role of 3 Infantry Div during the Normandy landings (Operation OVERLORD), Jun 1944, written in [Oct] 1944.

Heal, Arthur, 1916-2002, Lieutenant

HAW, Sqn Leader Charlton (1920-1993)

  • HAW
  • Collection
  • [1939-1951]

Papers relating to his RAF career, 1939-1951, dated [1939-1951], 1984-1985, [1987], 1991, 1993, particularly his service in the USSR, 1941, and Sweden, 1948, principally comprising photographs of Haw and his RAF colleagues, [1939-1951]; press cuttings, 1941, [1946], 1948, 1956, [1987], 1991, [1993]; 'Pilot's notes for Spitfire 22 and 24 Griffon 61 engine' (Air Publication 2816 B andC), prepared by the Air Ministry, 1947, with amendments list, 1950. Audio tape of interview with Paul Hamlin, 1993, concerning Haw's service at Coolham Airfield in 1944.

Haw, Charlton, 1920-1993, Squadron Leader

HAUGHTON, Surgeon R Adm J M (1924-1992)

  • Collection
  • 1982

Photograph album presented to Haughton by RN Hospital Haslar to commemorate the visit of HRH Prince Charles to the hospital, 28 Jun 1982, including photographs of troops wounded in the Falklands War, 1982.

Haughton, John Marsden, 1924-1992, Surgeon Rear Admiral

HARTLEY, Brig John Cosmo (1915-1980)

  • Collection
  • 1945

The Diagonals no 27 vol 2 (10 Indian Div journal), Jul 1945, principally comprising articles on 10 Indian Div activities in Italy.

Hartley, John Cosmo, 1915-1980, Brigadier

HART, Lt Cdr Leonard George Richard (1903-1987)

  • HART
  • Collection
  • 1940-1941

Papers relating to his service in Germany, 1945-1947, principally comprising British Zone Review vol 1 no 7, published by the Control Commission for Germany, (British Element), Dec 1945; Royal Rupert Times and Garrison News, edited by Hart, Feb 1947; photographs of Belsen concentration camp, 1945. Papers relating to Hart's work as Recreational Libraries Officer, 1966, notably an article on Hart and the RN Library Service cut from Navy News no 141, Mar 1966. Beating the invader and If the invader comes, two printed leaflets advising civilians how they should behave in the event of a German invasion, issued by Ministry of Information, 1940-1941.

Hart, Leonard George Richard, 1903-1987, Lieutenant Commander RN

HART DYKE, Brig Trevor (1905-1995)

  • Collection
  • 1946

The peace divided', an account of his life and career, 1905-1948, notably his service in India with the Queen's Royal Regt, in Africa with King's African Rifles, and in UK, 1938-1940, 1941-1944, Gibraltar, 1940-1941, South East Asia, 1945, East Africa, 1946-1947 and Berlin, 1948, compiled in 1970 by Ben Lockwood, Hart Dyke's stepson, from notes left by Hart Dyke and printed in1995. 'Normandy to Arnhem, a story of the infantry', an account of his service with 4 Bn, (Hallamshire Bn), York and Lancaster Regt in the UK, 1943-1944, and North West Europe, 1944-1945, written using regimental war diaries in 1946 and originally printed in 1966, reprinted by 4 Bn, Yorkshire Volunteers in 1991.

Dyke, Trevor Hart, 1905-1995, Brigadier

HARRISON, Maj Gen Desmond (1896-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1941

Papers relating to his work as Engineer-in-Chief, South East Asia Command, 1943-1946, dated 1943-1947, principally comprising official photographs showing construction work on roads, bridges and airstrips, 1943-1946; official photograph of Acting Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia and US Gen Lewis APick, [1945]; 'The construction of forward airfields in SEAC Areas', Engineer-in-Chief (India) Pamphlet No 12, prepared by Harrison and Maj Gen Horace Eckford Roome, Engineer-in-Chief, General HQ, India, 1945; 'Royal Engineers training memorandum No 20: rafting andbridging', pamphlet issued by the War Office, 1946; 'Memorandum on the training and employment of officers of the Royal Engineers and Indian Engineers in preparation for war', issued by General HQ, Delhi, 1945; letter from Harrison to AQ Plans, South East Asia Command relating to the building of the Ledo Road, Burma and India, Dec 1945; 'Major Engineer: lessons of the war in South East AsiaCommand', copy of unsigned typescript text, [1945]; pre-publication edition of Mountbatten's Report to Combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, 1943-1946 (London, 1951), 1947; 'Annexure A', unsigned typescript text on Engineer organisation, South East Asia Command, 1943-1946, written in [1946] and later reworked and published as Annexure 6 of Mountbatten's Report to Combined Chiefs of Staff by Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, 1943-1946 (London, 1951). Unsigned text of lecture to the Senior Officers' School on organisation and work of Royal Engineers, 31 Dec 1941.

Harrison, Desmond, 1896-1984, Major General

HARRISON, Frank (fl 1939-1991)

  • Collection
  • [1991]

Tobruk: Siege, Breakout, Victory', typescript memoir covering operations at Tobruk, 1941-1942, written in [1991] and later published as Tobruk: the great siege reassessed (Arms and Armour Press, London, 1996)

Harrison, Frank, fl 1939-1991, wireless operator in the Royal Corps of Signals

HARRIS, Sqn Ldr Norman Francis (1907-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1994

From pillar to post (Newton, Swindon, 1995), a memoir of his life covering the period 1939-1978, notably his service in the RAF in the UK and East Africa, 1939-1945, and his political career in Kenya, 1945-1961, as Mayor of Nairobi, Nairobi City Councillor, Elected Member of the Legislative Council and Minister of the Crown for Information and Broadcasting, written in 1994 andpublished in 1995.

Harris, Norman Francis, 1907-1994, Squadron Leader

HARGREAVES, Maj Gen William Herbert (1908-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1939

Copies of letter to Hargreaves from Maj Gen Bernard Montgomery, thanking him for medical care he received in the British Military Hospital, Haifa in May-Jun 1939, written on 16 July 1939, with covering letter from Hargreaves to the Centre, 1988.

Hargreaves, William Herbert, 1908-1994, Major General

HARBOTTLE, Brig Michael Neale (1917-1997)

  • Collection
  • 1966-[1995]

Papers, chiefly correspondence, conference reports, articles and press cuttings relating to the organisation Generals for Peace and Disarmament, 1981-[1992]. Typescript reports and press cuttings relating to service with the UN Peacekeeping Force, Cyprus, 1966-1968. Editions of Harbottle's publications, 1970-1995, including The impartial soldier (Oxford University Press,under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1970), The blue berets (Leo Cooper, London, 1971), The thin blue line. International peacekeeping and its future , with Indar Jit Rikhye and Bjørn Egge (Yale University Press, London, 1974), and Waging war on war: the need for new concepts of common security for Europe (Project for Peace Studies, Oxford, 1988). Typescript copies of UN Security Council Resolutions, with correspondence, draft articles and newspaper cuttings, dated 1976-1980, relating topeace keeping operations in the Middle East, 1971; typescript UN General Assembly papers and press releases relating to peace keeping, 1972-1980; typescript UN General Assembly papers on disarmament, 1981-1982.

Harbottle, Michael Neale, 1917-1997, Brigadier

HANNING, Hugh Peter James (1925-2000)

  • Collection
  • 1964-2000

Papers of Hugh Hanning, 1964-2000, including correspondence relating to Hanning's work with the Fontmell Group, Pathfinders and International Peace Academy concerning international disaster relief and peace/security studies, [1980-2000]; publications by Hanning including pamphlet, 'Britain and the United Nations: proposals for peacekeeping including a Commonwealth Force' (Bow Group Publications Ltd, London, 1964); 'Nigeria: a lesson of the arms race', in The World Today , Vol 23 No 11, Nov 1967, (Royal Institute of International Affairs, London); 'Defence and development' (Royal United Service Institution, London, 1970); NATO: our guarantee of peace (Brassey's Defence Publishers Ltd, London, 1986); Peace: the plain man's guide to war prevention (Cecil Woolf, London, 1988); leaflet, 'United Nations peacekeeping: 40 years on - and the way ahead' (International Peace Academy, New York, USA (1988); Five wars, one cause: why we need peace crimes tribunals (Parapress Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, 1996); Bulletin of The Council For Arms Control , No 24, Jan 1986, including article, 'Disarmament - the wrong target?' by Hanning.

Publications and conference reports by groups with which Hanning was closely involved, 1968-1998, including pamphlet produced by the Ministry of Defence, 1968; pamphlets produced by the International Peace Academy, New York, USA, 1978-1986; pamphlets produced by the Royal United Service Institution, 1969; pamphlet produced by the Church Information Office, 1972; series of pamphlets issued as Bicentenary Papers by the English-Speaking Union and British Atlantic Committee, 1975-1976; pamphlets and leaflets produced by the British Atlantic Committee, 1981-1984 and pamphlets and conference material produced by the Fontmell Group on Disaster Relief, 1989-1998. Copies of obituaries for Hanning from the Daily Telegraph , 11 May 2000, Guardian , 27 May 2000 and Times , 30 May 2000 and list of Hanning's books and articles held by the Joint Services Command and Staff College Library, Watchfield.

Hanning, Hugh Peter James, 1925-2000, defence and disaster relief expert

HANCOCK, Lt Col Sir Cyril (1896-1990)

  • Collection
  • [1981]

Photocopies of a letter to Lt Col P M N Doyle, intended for publication in The Maratha Light InfantryRegimental Journal, giving an account of his service with 114 Marathas in Mesopotamia and India, 1916-1947, written in 1981, and an appreciation of Donald Bevan Sothers, one of Hancock's colleagues in the 114 Marathas, with particular reference to Sothers' role in theBattle of Shargat, Oct 1918, written in [1981].

Hancock, Sir Cyril Percy, 1896-1990, Knight, Lieutenant Colonel

HAMSON, Professor Charles John Joseph (1905-1987)

  • Collection
  • 1941-1945

Liber in vinculis or the Mock Turtle's adventure , a meditation on his life and career, with particular reference to the Battle of Crete, 1941, written as a POW in Germany, 1941-1945, and including a short essay on the Battle of Crete, 1941, by Dr Mark Mazower, privately published by Trinity College, Cambridge in 1989.

Hamson, Charles John Joseph, 1905-1987, Professor of Comparative Law

HAMILTON, Gen Sir Ian Standish Monteith (1853-1947)

  • Collection
  • 1814-2015

Papers, 1814-2015, relating to Hamilton's life, military career and activities. The collection specifically includes correspondence, 1852-1899; diaries and notebooks, 1870-1899; printed correspondence and speeches of FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Waterford and Pretoria, 1878-1893; diaries kept during the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, 1899-1900; personal and official correspondence during the Second Boer War, 1899-1902, including Hamilton's letters to FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Waterford and Pretoria, 1901-1902, and operational correspondence of 10 Div and Hamilton's Force, 1900; Hamilton's diaries of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 and related correspondence, 1902-1905; publications of the Royal Commissions on the war in South Africa and on the Militia and Volunteers, 1903-1904; correspondence as General Officer Commanding Southern Command, 1905-1909, and related official papers; correspondence as General Officer Commanding Mediterranean Command and Inspector General of Overseas Forces, 1910-1914, including papers relating to compulsory and voluntary military service, official reports on overseas forces, and correspondence relating to Hamilton's tours of the West Indies, South Africa, the Far East, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; correspondence as Commander-in-Chief Central Force, Home Defence, 1914-1915; papers as General Officer Commanding Mediterranean Expeditionary Force on Gallipoli, 1915, including correspondence with FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, and the War Office, Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill MP, Lt Gen Sir John Grenfell Maxwell and Lt Gen Sir William Riddell Birdwood; papers relating to Ellis Ashmead Bartlett and Keith Arthur Murdoch, war correspondents on Gallipoli; papers relating to operations at Suvla Bay and Sari Bair, Aug-Sep 1915, and to the efficiency of commanding officers; papers relating to Hamilton's despatches from Gallipoli, and to recommendations for decorations; official despatches, 1914-1919; force orders, intelligence bulletins and other papers of General Headquarters, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force; papers relating to Hamilton's Gallipoli diary; maps and official photographs of the Gallipoli Campaign; depositions of witnesses given to the Dardanelles Commission, with related correspondence, 1916-1919; correspondence with the War Office, 1917-1938; correspondence as Colonel of the Gordon Highlanders, 1912-1949; correspondence relating to ex-servicemen, the British Legion, and to war memorials, 1916-1949; correspondence and papers as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, 1932-1936; correspondence with major military, political and literary acquaintances, including Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill MP, Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane of Cloan, Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, John Masefield, FM Sir William Robert Robertson, and senior officers associated with the Gallipoli Campaign, 1916-1949; correspondence relating to the Anglo-German Association and to Anglo-German relations, 1928-1947; correspondence with members of the public and relatives, 1908-1948; business and financial correspondence, 1913-1947; correspondence relating to Hamilton's estate and his literary executors, 1948-1969; papers relating to Hamilton's publications, 1872-1948; speeches, articles and letters to the press, 1918-1947; scrapbooks and press cuttings, 1883-1971; photographs, 1855-1947; publications and other printed material, 1814-1966; diaries, correspondence and publications of Hamilton's wife, Jean Miller Hamilton, Lady Hamilton, 1869-1940; correspondence of Eleanor Charlotte Sellar, 1896-1934, including correspondence with Hamilton, FM Sir George Stuart White and FM Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain.

Hamilton, Sir Ian Standish Monteith, 1853-1947, Knight, General

Results 301 to 320 of 549