State security



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State security

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State security

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State security

7 Archival description results for State security

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

BURNABY, Col Frederick Gustavus (1842-1885)

  • Collection
  • 1856-1885

Papers relating to his life and career, 1842-1885, dated 1856-1885, principally comprising press cuttings, 1856, 1877, 1882, [1884] and obituaries, 1885. A ride to Khiva (Cassell and Co, London, 1876); On horseback through Asia Minor (Sampson Low and Co, London, 1877).

Burnaby, Frederick Gustavus, 1842-1885, Colonel, traveller

BURROWS, Cdr Edgar Allison (1889-1979)

  • Collection
  • [1914-1920]

Papers relating to his service in the RN, [1914-1920], [1939-1945], principally comprising carbon copies of letters to his family describing his service at Gallipoli, 1915-1916, and in Salonika, Greece, 1916-1918; typescript texts, written in [1918-1975], principally comprising descriptive sketches of life in Salonika, 1916-1918, in Belgrade after the retreat of German and Austrian forces, 1918-1919, and in Budapest following Communist uprising led by Bela Hung Kun, 1919, written in [1918-1975]; typescript text by Harry W Frantz on Troubridge's work in Serbia and Hungary, 1915-1918, and as President of the Interallied Commission of the Danube, 1919-1920, written in 1920. Photographs relating to his service in Gallipoli, 1915, Salonika, 1915-1918, Belgrade, 1918-1919, and press photographs of the Communist revolution in Budapest, 1919-1920. Glass slides relating to his service in Salonika, 1915-1918. Papers relating to Burrows' work in the Shipping Casualties Section, Trade Division, Admiralty, 1939-1945, principally comprising descriptions of the work of the section, official reports concerning sunk or damaged ships and texts of interview with survivors.

Burrows, Edgar Allison, 1889-1979, RN Commander

CADOUX-HUDSON, Brig Philip Herbert (1894-1980)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1926

Microfilm copies of letters from Cadoux-Hudson to his family, 1915-1926, covering his service with the Hampshire Regt in Gallipoli, 1915, on the Western Front, 1916-1919, in Russia, 1919, and Ireland, 1920-1925; letters from John (Jack) C Hudson to his family, 1915-1918, covering his service on the Western Front with the Signal Company, 1 Canadian Div, 1915-1916, and the Canadian Army Service Corps, 1917-1918; letters from Cadoux-Hudson's brother Heron Hudson to his family covering his service on the Western Front with the Signal Company, 1 Canadian Div, 1915-1916, and with the Canadian Army Service Corps, 1916-1918; letters from Cadoux-Hudson's brother William Hudson to his mother, 1915, describing his work in the motor industry in the USA. Copy photographs of John and Heron Hudson.

Hudson, Philip Herbert, Cadoux-, 1894-1980, Brigadier

COLLIER, AVM Sir Conrad (1895-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1968-1969

Correspondence relating to Collier's work as Air Attaché in Moscow, 1934-1937, and as Head of the Air Section of the British Military Mission to Moscow, 1941, with particular reference to the role of Brig Gen Philip R Faymonville, United States Army, Military Attaché and later Lend-Lease Administrator in Moscow, 1934-1943, in relations between the USA and the USSR during the period 1918-1943, consisting of photocopies of letters to Collier from Lt Col Thomas A Julian, Associate Professor of History at the USAF Academy and carbon copies of Collier's replies, dated 1968-1969.

Collier, Sir Alfred Conrad, 1895-1986, Knight, Air Vice Marshal

CRICK, Dr Alan John Pitts (1913-1995)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1984

Papers relating to Crick's service in the Western Desert, 1941-1943, as Instructor, War Intelligence Course, School of Military Intelligence, Matlock, Derbyshire, 1943-1944, and with Operational Intelligence, G2 Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 1944-1945, including copy of War Diary, General Staff Intelligence Branch, Headquarters 8 Army, 25 Sep-31 Oct 1941; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The possible effect of CROSSBOW on OVERLORD', on how Operation CROSSBOW, (Allied countermeasures against German V-weapons), could influence Operation OVERLORD, (the Allied invasion of occupied Europe), Mar 1944; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The heart of Germany', on the importance of the Ruhr industrial region to Allied strategy, Mar 1944; typescript report by Crick on visit to OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces High Command), Flensburg, Germany, 11 May 1945. Papers relating to Crick's service with the British Joint Services Mission, Washington DC, USA, 1953-1956, including typescript text of lecture by Maj Gen Sir Kenneth William Dobson Strong, Director of Joint Intelligence Bureau, on UK and US Intelligence collaboration and spheres of influence [1953]; typescript memorandum 'Probable Bloc preoccupations in Asia, including Middle East, until mid 1955' [1953]; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Economic and General Division of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, 1956. Papers relating to the Imperial Defence College tour of Pakistan, India, East Pakistan, Ceylon and Aden, Aug-Sep 1960, including itineraries, travel arrangements, three photographs, invitations and a printed map of the Middle East showing oil wells, refineries and pipelines, 1960. Manuscript and typescript notes for a lecture by Crick entitled 'A career in Intelligence', given at Intelligence Corps course, with one audio tape of 20 minute lecture by Crick on interrogation techniques, Ashford College, Kent, Oct 1984. Edition of In the caves of the mind. Poems by Alan Crick (Privately published, Rye, Sussex, 1992). Newspaper cuttings, photographs and publications, 1938-1959, including German newspaper cuttings relating to the visit to Danzig by Rt Hon Alfred Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, Aug 1938; three editions of Battledress. The Cadet magazine, Feb-Jun 1940; nine editions of The Crusader Eighth Army Weekly, Oct 1942-Apr 1943; sixteen editions of 'Interim. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', Jun 1945-Apr 1946; three editions of 'Occupation. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', May-Jul 1946. Edition of '21st (British) Army Group in the campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945. Lecture by Field Marshal Sir Bernard L Montgomery to the Royal United Service Institution, London, October 1945'; six photographs and five copies of photographs of Crick, Western Desert and Germany, 1941-1945, and two group photographs, Staff and Students, Joint Services Staff College, 1948, and Military Attachés Conference, Episkopi, Cyprus, 1959.

Crick, Alan John Pitts, 1913-1995, civil servant and historian

CROSSMAN, Col George Lytton (1877-1947)

  • Collection
  • 1899-1928

Manuscript extracts from Regimental diary, Second Boer War, South Africa, 23 Dec 1900-4 Mar 1901; six letters relating to operations against Boer forces in the Transvaal, South Africa, 1899-1901, with manuscript sketch map of a Boer night attack, Lake Chrissie (Chrissiesmeer), 6 Feb 1901, approximate scale 1: 10, 660. Photograph album with 106 photographs, mostly relating to service in South Africa, 1900-1904, Ireland, 1904-1905, and the UK, 1906-1907; photograph album with 485 photographs relating to service in Scutari, Albania, 1913, with German map entitled Scutari (Militärgeographisches Institut, Berlin, Germany, 1912), scale 1: 200, 000, and typescript copy of article from the Yorkshire Post entitled 'The West Yorkshires in Scutari. Incidents of International Control', 28 Aug 1913; photograph album with 283 photographs, mostly relating to service in India, Aden, Egypt and the Sudan, 1925-1928.

Crossman, George Lytton, 1877-1947, Colonel

FALL OF THE WALL: television documentary archive on the end of Communist rule in East Germany

  • Collection
  • 1994

Complete transcripts of 38 filmed interviews concerning events leading up to the 9 Nov 1989 when the border between the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) was opened, and the demolition of the Berlin Wall began. The interviews were recorded for the production of the television documentary _Fall of the Wall, _which was broadcast in 1994. The collection also includes programme scripts and press releases for each of the hour long documentary episodes titled 'A Hole in the Wall' and 'The Fatal Error'. Interviewees were either present or involved in the decisions and events which led up to the final destruction of the wall and include government leaders in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, German Democratic Republic (GDR), Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), and the Soviet Union, government officials and Politburo members, organisers of the Pan European Picnic, 19 Aug 1989, East German and Czechoslovakian civilians, border guards and security forces, a Foreign Ambassador, and an East German dissident. Most notable are Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet leader 1985 - 1991, Hans Dietrich Genscher, West German Foreign Minister during 1989, Miklós Németh, Hungarian Prime Minister 1988 - 1990, Milos Jakes (First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 1987 - 1989, and Egon Krenz, East German General Secretary of the Socialist Unity (Communist) Party and Chairman of Council of State Oct - Dec 1989. Subjects discussed include the significance of Soviet policies under Mikhail Gorbachev and Eduard Scheverdnadze such as perestroika and glasnost, the demise of the Breshnev doctrine on Soviet intervention and the Warsaw Pact; reforming influences in government in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia; tacit support of West Germany and the USA for soviet reformers and later agreements for provision of economic aid; Hungary's signing of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951 , Mar 1989; Hungary's announcement that is will cease to maintain its electronic border fence, 2 May 1989; the visit of Gyula Horn, Hungarian Foreign Minister, and Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, to Sopron, Hungary to view the dismantling of the fence, 28 Jun 1989; visit of George Bush, US President, to Budapest, 11-13 Jul 1989; origin and development of plan to hold a Pan European Picnic at Sopron on 19 Aug 1989, an event promoted by the Democratic Forum under the patronage of Otto Von Habsburg and Imre Poszgay, to mark the dismantling of the fence; meetings between Hungarian and West German leaders concerning the Hungarian border opening; West Germany's principle of accepting all East Germans refugees; arrangements for a ceremonial crossing of the border by an official party during the Pan European Picnic which were upstaged by a group of East German refugees forcing the gates to cross into Austria; peaceful response of the Hungarian border guards; East German 'tourists' in Czechoslovakia seeking refuge in the West German Embassy in Prague, Czechoslovakia; the Fortieth anniversary celebrations of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) on 7 Oct 1989 and visit of Mikhail Gorbachev and other soviet state leaders; the East German government agreement to issue allow these refugees to legally cross to West Germany; special transport trains were passing through East Germany to the west; rioting occurring in Dresden as trains passed through; popular demonstrations in Leipzig during Sep and Oct 1989; influx of troops and police brought in to quell the demonstration in Leipzig planned for 9 Oct 1989 and diffusion of this situation; the resignation of Erich Honecker as East German head of state and party leader, 19 Oct 1989; succession of Egon Krenz as East German leader; East German television announcement of general issue of exit visas for East Germans citizens; and the forcing of the border between East and West Berlin on the evening of 9 Nov 1989.

Brian Lapping Associates