

4 Archival description results for Tanks

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HIGNETT, Lt Col John Derrick (1900-1994)

  • Collection
  • [1940-1943]

Official photographs of the British Army in North Africa, [1940-1943], principally depicting personnel, tanks and infantry.

Hignett, John Derrick, 1900-1994, Lieutenant Colonel

LEAKEY, Maj Gen Arundell Rea (1915-1999)

  • Collection
  • 1963

Papers relating to his life and career, 1915-1991, dated 1963, 1969 and [1991], principally comprising 'Nine lives, a soldier's story', a typescript memoir covering the period 1915-1991, including his service in North Africa and the Western Desert, 1939-1... »

Leakey, Arundell Rea, 1915-1999, Major General

ROBERTS, Maj Gen Philip (1906-1997)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1992

Papers relating to Roberts' life and career, 1940-1992, including twenty four detailed letters home to his father, Col William Bradley Roberts, from North Africa and North West Europe, 1940-1944; papers relating to operations in North Africa, 1941-1943, ... »

Roberts, George Philip Bradley, 1906-1997, Major General

SAINTY, Christopher Lawrence (1900-1977)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1945

Typescript and manuscript notes, calculations and sketches made by Sainty during the designing of sand eliminators for tanks and the filtration of atmospheric air, which was extensively used in tanks for the war in North Africa, 1943-1945; leaflets and ... »

Sainty, Christopher Lawrence, 1900-1977, engineer