War crimes


2 Archival description results for War crimes

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ARCHER, Capt John (1871-1954)

  • Collection
  • 1889-1938

Papers of Capt John Archer, 1889-1938, including: diaries, 1889-1896, 1901, 1908-1910, 1919, 1921-1922, 1925 and 1938; correspondence with family, friends and colleagues detailing his military experiences, 1893-1913; papers relating to Archer's career, ... »

Archer, John, 1871-1954, Captain

PATON WALSH, Brig Edmund James (1897-1985)

  • Collection
  • 1885-1947

Papers comprising printed or typescript reports and supporting publications, on the 1 Army, North Africa, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), and on the administration of civilians in occupied territory including the Control Commission Germany (CCG), 1885-... »

Walsh, Edmund James Paton, 1897-1985, Brigadier