Showing 3581 results

Authority record

Carwardine, Henry Holgate, 1779-1867, surgeon

  • KCL-AF0771
  • Person
  • 1779-1867

Born in 1779, Henry Holgate Carwardine was a surgeon in Earls Colne, Essex. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1844. Died in Earls Colne in 1867.

Carter, Victor, Bonham-, 1913-2007, author

  • KCL-AF0075
  • Person
  • 1913-2007

Born in 1913; educated at Winchester College and Magdalene College, Cambridge; on staff of The Countryman, 1936-1937; Director, School Prints Ltd, 1937-1939, 1945-1960; served with Royal Berkshire Regt and Intelligence Corps, 1939-1945; farmed in West Somerset, 1947-1959; historian of Dartington Hall Estate, Devon, 1951-1966; on staff of Society of Authors, 1963-1982; partner, Exmoor Press, 1969-1989; published numerous books and articles on country life and on authorship matters, especially Public Lending Right; died 2007.

Carter, John, 1748-1817, architect

  • KCL-AF0770
  • Person
  • 1748-1817

Born, 1748; attended school in Battersea and Kennington until 1760; worked as an artist for his father, Benjamin, a sculptor, until his death, [1763]; apprenticed to Joseph Dixon, surveyor, from around 1764; private work as draughtsman including for Henry Holland of Piccadilly, 1768; drawings for Builder's magazine , 1774-1786; first employed by Society of Antiquaries to draw subjects including St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, the abbeys at Bath and St Alban's and cathedrals at Exeter, Durham and Gloucester, 1780; begins to draw for the antiquarian, Richard Gough, who incorporated illustrations by Carter in his Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain , 2 vols (London, 1786, 1796); introduced to patrons including John Soane and Horace Walpole, 1781; published Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in this kingdom , 2 vols (London, 1780, 1787); exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1786; begins publication of Views of ancient buildings in England , 6 vols (London, 1786-1793); Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, 1795; begins publishing The ancient architecture of England , 2 vols (London, 1795, 1807); periodically composed music and operas including The white rose and The cell of St Oswald ; published important series of articles warning against inappropriate restoration and the demolition of ancient monuments under the title 'Pursuits of architectural innovation', in Gentleman's magazine , 1798-1817; died, 1817. Publications: Views of ancient buildings in England , 6 vols (London, 1786-1793); Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in this kingdom , 2 vols (London, 1780, 1787); The ancient architecture of England , 2 vols (London, 1795, 1807). Contributions to Builder's magazine , 1774-1786, and Gentleman's magazine , 1798-1817.

Carr, Laurence, 1886-1954, Lieutenant General

  • KCL-AF0126
  • Person
  • 1886-1954

Born 1886; educated Uppingham, Leicester, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, Surrey; 2nd Lt, Gordon Highlanders, 1906; Lt, 1909; Capt, 1914; served World War One, 1914-1918; Adjutant to Col John Raymond Evelyn Stansfeld, 2 Bn Gordon Highlanders, 1915-1916; Staff Capt, 20 Infantry Bde, BEF (British Expeditionary Force), France, 1916; Bde Maj, 45 Infantry Bde, France, 1916-1917; Brevet Maj, 1916; General Staff Officer, Grade 2, and temporary Maj for, successively, 51 Div, 5 Corps and 18 Corps, France, 1917-1918; General Staff Officer, Grade 1, and temporary Lt Col, 4 Div, 1918-1920; attended Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1919; Bde Maj, 6 Indian Infantry Bde, Northern Command, India, 1920; General Staff Officer, Grade 2, Northern Command, India, 1920-1923; Instructor and General Staff Officer, Grade 2, Staff College, Quetta, India, 1923-1926; Maj, 1923; Brevet Lt Col, 1924; Col, 1927; General Staff Officer, Grade 2, War Office, 1928-1930; General Staff Officer, Grade 1, War Office, 1931-1934; Directing Staff, Imperial Defence College, 1934-1936; temporary Brig and Commander, 2 Infantry Bde, Aldershot Command, 1936, and Palestine and Trans-Jordan, 1937-1938; Maj Gen, 1937; Director of Staff Duties, War Office, 1938-1939; Assistant Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1939-1940; acting Lt Gen and General Officer Commanding 1 Corps, Home Forces, 1940-1941; Lt Gen, 1941; General Officer Commanding in Chief, Eastern Command, 1941-1942; Senior Military Assistant, Ministry of Supply, [1942-1944]; retired, 1944; died 1954.

Carmichael, Humphrey Rawstone, 1914-1995, Lieutenant Colonel

  • KCL-AF0125
  • Person
  • 1914-1995

Born in 1914; unattached 2nd Lt, 1936; appointed to 17 Dogra Regt, Indian Army, 1937; served in Waziristan, 1937; Lt, 1938; seconded to RAF, 1941-1944; captured by the Japanese Army in Burma, 26 Apr 1943, but escaped 10 days later; Capt, 1944; Maj, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1948; Lt Col, 1951; Deputy Commander, 5 Base Ordnance Depot, Middle East Land Forces, 1954-1955; Assistant Director of Ordnance Services, HQ, Eastern Command, 1957; retired, 1969; died in 1995.

Carless, Albert, 1863-1936, Professor of Surgery

  • KCL-AF1042
  • Person
  • 1863-1936

Born, 1863, educated, King's College School, 1876-1880, entered Medical Department, King's College London, 1880; Carter Gold Medal and Prize for Botany, 1882; Warneford Prize for Theology and Leathes Prize for Religious Knowledge, 1883; member Royal College of Surgeons, 1885; obtained honours in Materia Medica at the first Bachelor of Medicine Examination in 1883, final with honours in Obstetrics and in Forensic Medicine, 1886, first class honours and Gold Medal, Bachelor of Surgery Examination, 1887; Gold Medal, Master of Surgery Examination, 1888; appointed House Surgeon, King's College Hospital to John Wood, Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1886; Sambrooke Surgical Registrar, 1889; appointed Assistant Surgeon to King's College Hospital and Teacher of Practical Surgery, Teacher of Operative Surgery, and Surgeon, 1898; Professor of Surgery in King's College, 1902-1918, resigned from honorary staff, Senior Surgeon to King's and Consulting Surgeon, 1919; elected Chairman of the Medical Board, 1914, Colonel in the Army Medical Service, and Consulting Surgeon to Eastern Command, 1914-1918; elected a Fellow of King's College London, 1908, Honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, 1920, Honorary Medical Director of Barnardo Homes following retirement from King's College. Died 1936. Publications: With William Rose, A manual of surgery (London, 1898), 19th edition (London, 1960).

Results 3081 to 3100 of 3581