King's College London attendance registers for mixed faculties, 1847-1855, 1891-1904 (Ref: KA/RAT/GEN), African Languages, 1915-1917 (Ref: KA/RAT/KSOA), Chinese, 1909-1917 (Ref: KA/RAT/KSC), Classics, 1909-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDCL), Education, 1908-1939 (... »
King's College London attendance registers for mixed faculties, 1847-1855, 1891-1904 (Ref: KA/RAT/GEN), African Languages, 1915-1917 (Ref: KA/RAT/KSOA), Chinese, 1909-1917 (Ref: KA/RAT/KSC), Classics, 1909-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDCL), Education, 1908-1939 (Ref: KA/RAT/KFD), English, 1906-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDE), French, 1912-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDF), German, 1910-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDG), History, 1909-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDH), Italian, 1868-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDI), Matriculation and Preliminary, 1906-1939 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDPM), Military Studies, 1928-1942 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDW), Modern Greek, 1916-1939 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDBG), Philosophy, Logic and Ethics, 1915-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDPH), Political Economy, 1912-1917 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDPE), Portuguese, 1912-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDP), Russian, 1914-1932 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDR), Slavonic Studies, 1916-1932 (Ref: KA/RAT/KSS), Spanish, 1912-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDS), Faculty of Arts, 1910-1911, 1914-1922 (Ref: KA/RAT/KFA), Board of Education, 1911-1921 (Ref: KA/RAT/BE), Engineering, 1904-1962 (Ref: KA/RAT/E), Criminal Law, 1912-1957 (Ref: KA/RAT/L), Mathematics, [1903]-1905, 1911-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/KDMT), Medical, 1839-1841, 1873-1880, 1887-1894, 1900-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/M), postgraduates, 1914-1916, 1918-1919, 1921-1925 (Ref: KA/RAT/PG), Psychology, 1910-1912, 1915-1939 (Ref: KA/RAT/PY), Science, 1904-1963 (Ref: KA/RAT/S), Theology, 1848-1868, 1906-1964 (Ref: KA/RAT/T). Information is contained on loose sheets and typically includes name, admission card number, lecturer's name, day and time of lectures and attendance divided by term and day.