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Transcript, Oct 2004, of 2003 interview with interpreter Gamal Helal

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Gamal Helal, US Arabic interpreter. Describing the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000; Geneva Summit between William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001, and Hafez Asaad, Prime Minister of Syria, 1971-2000, concerning compromise with Israel, Mar 2000, and the visit of Gen Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, 2000-2005, to Israel, 2002.

Transcript, 2004, of interview with diplomat Daniel ('Danny') Ayalon

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Daniel ‘Danny’ Ayalon, Israeli Ambassador to USA 2002-2006, describing reaction to comments made by George W Bush, US President 2001-2009, regarding a Palestinian state, 2 Oct 2001, and the drafting of the reply by Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, the ‘Czechoslovakia Speech’, 5 Oct 2001; reaction to the Zinni ceasefire plan put forward by Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, 26 Mar 2002; reaction of the Israeli government to the Passover bombing of the Park Hotel at Netanya, Israel, 27 Mar 2002, including the first siege of the compound Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, and the launch of Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD by the Israel Defence Force (IDF), Apr 2002, the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002, and the end of the compound siege and negotiations surrounding the handing over of prisoners to British custody, Apr 2002; the difficulties of negotiating with Yasser Arafat, May 2002; problems with the publication and implementation of the road map for peace plan, 2002; visit of Condoleezza Rice, US National Security Adviser 2001-2005, to Israel, Jun 2003, including discussions regarding the security fence surrounding Gaza; the effect on negotiations of the resignation of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) as Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, 2003, and the election of Abu Ala’a, (Ahmed Ali Mohammed Qurei) Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority 2003-2006, in Sept 2003; drafting the exchange of letters between Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President Bush in which Sharon outlined his disengagement plan, Apr 2004. Also additional extracts from this transcript, made by Brook Lapping during production. Please note that the transcript includes some spellings which have been rendered phonetically.

Transcript of unpublished interviews conducted for Playboy magazine, 1970-1971

Typed transcript of interviews on what the future holds for humankind (presented as a single document, 159pp), conducted for Playboy magazine by science fiction writer Frederick Pohl with: science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke; astrophysicist Freeman Dyson; rocket propulsion engineer Krafft Ehricke; Theodore Gordon, Director of The Institute for the Future; astronomer Allen Hynek; cognitive scientist Jerome (‘Jerry’) Lettvin; psychologist James McConnell; cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky; transistor pioneer John Pierce; Maurice Wilkins. Also introductory article by Pohl, ‘Candid conversation: eleven scientists look at tomorrow’, outlining the achievements of the interviewees and his methodology, and related correspondence between Wilkins and Pohl, concerning Wilkins’ initial reluctance, his fee, and Playboy’s decision not to publish the interview. Original file title ‘Playboy’

Transcript of television interview given by Ismay, Jun 1954, on NATO and Europe

Text of television interview with Ismay and US journalists with questions on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)'s ability to function without a German contribution to Western European defence; whether the vital aspect of NATO's development was in the past or the future; whether the lessening of tension in Europe would weaken NATO; whether NATO had succeeded in giving Europe political and military stability. Typescript, 4pp

Transcript of radio discussion between Ismay and broadcaster Chester Wilmot, May 1949, on future British-US relations

Speech by Ismay on radio entitled 'Report from Britain' discussing with writer and broadcaster Chester (Reginald William Winchester) Wilmot the strategic implications of Atlantic Pact, [statement of fundamental principles for the post war world issued after the first meetings between Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US President]. Speech transcribed from recording. Duplicated, 4pp

Transcript of interviews, 2004 and 2005, with Prime Minister Ehud Barak

Typescript transcript of two filmed interviews with Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, describing meeting Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference in Barcelona, Spain, 1995; meeting William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001, at Camp David, 15 Jul 1999; negotiations with Hafez al-Assad President of Syria 1971-2000, Feb-Mar 2000; negotiations at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, 11-25 Jul 2000, including debates within his own negotiation team, discussions with President Clinton and Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright, US Secretary of State 1997-2001, the difficulties of negotiating with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and the decision to offer divided sovereignty in Jerusalem; Barak’s meeting with Yasser Arafat at Kochav Yair, Israel, 25 Sept 2000; the visit of Ariel Sharon, leader of the rival Likud party 1999-2005, to the Temple Mount and al-Asqa mosque, Jerusalem, Israel, and the subsequent violent demonstrations, 28-29 Sept 2000; cease fire negotiations at the residence of the US Ambassador, Paris, France, 4 Oct 2000.

Transcript of interview, [2994-1995], with Vladimir Stambuk, Belgrade University Professor

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Vladimir Stambuk, Belgrade University Professor, describing the political situation in Yugoslavia including the significance of the press conference of Dragisa Pavlovic, Belgrade Communist Party chief, and his policy on Kosovo (Sep 1987), the Serbian discussions at the Yugoslav Collective Presidency session (18-19 Sep 1987) of Pavlovic's views and Ivan Stambolic's supporting letter, the Eighth Session of Serb Party Central Committee (23-24 Sep 1987) the conflict between Milosevic and Pavlovic. Also describes the Fourteenth Extraordinary Congress of the Yugoslav Communist Party, 23 Jan 1990, which was abandoned by the Slovenian and Croatian delegations in protest at the rejection of Slovene constitutional amendments. 23pp

Transcript of interview, 25 Jul 1989, with Sir Archibald Ross, former Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Transcript of interview with Sir Archibald David Manisty Ross, Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during the Suez Crisis of 1956, mainly relating to the work of the Permanent Under Secretary's Department of the Foreign Office, the formulation of advice offered by the Foreign Office to Rt Hon Sir (Robert) Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister, and diplomatic relations between the UK and USA during and after the Suez Crisis. 9pp

Transcript of interview, 2005, with Shaul Mofaz, Chief of General Staff, Israeli Defence Force, 1998-2002

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Shaul Mofaz, Chief of General Staff, Israeli Defence Force, 1998-2002 and Minister of Defence 2002-2006, describing the assassination of Gen Rehavam Zeevi, Israeli Minister of Tourism, Oct 2001; the capture of a weapons shipment from the Palestinian freighter KARINE A, Jan 2002; the assassination of al-Asqsa Martyrs’ Brigade member Raed Karmi, Jan 2002; negotiations with Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, 2002; a proposal to exile Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, following the Hamas suicide bombing of the Park Hotel, Netanya, Israel, Mar 2002; the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002; the Middle East Peace Summit, Aqaba, Jordan, Jun 2003; negotiations with Mohammed Dahlan, Head of Security, Palestinian National Authority 1993-2003, Jul-Aug 2003; Hamas suicide bombing, Jerusalem, Aug 2003; the decision to assassinate Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Hamas leader, Mar 2004. Also additional extracts from a transcript of the same filmed interview, with minor differences in text and editing.

Transcript of interview, [2005], with former Director of Mossad, Danny Yatom

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Danny (Dani) Yatom, Director of Mossad, 1996-1998 and Security Adviser to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, describing the early negotiations of the Barak administration with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, including Barak’s meeting with Arafat at the Erez Checkpoint, 11 Jul 1999; Barak’s relationship with William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001, including summit meetings, Washington, USA, 15-19 Jul 1999; attendance of the funeral of King Hassan of Morocco, 24 Jul 1999; Barak’s second meeting with Arafat at the Erez Checkpoint, 27 Jul 1999; negotiations with Syria, Dec 1999-Jan 2000, including peace talks at Washington and Shepherdstown, USA, and Geneva, Switzerland; events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including disagreements and discussions within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem, official and private meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, Ehud Barak’s decision to leave the negotiations early and his subsequent change of mind; Barak’s meeting with Yasser Arafat at Kochav Yair, Israel, 25 Sept 2000; the visit of Ariel Sharon, leader of the rival Likud party 1999-2005, to the Temple Mount and al-Asqa mosque, Jerusalem, Israel, and the subsequent violent demonstrations, 28-29 Sept 2000; cease fire negotiations at the residence of the US Ambassador, Paris, France, 4 Oct 2000, particularly the behaviour of Jacques Chirac, President of France 1995-2007; the lynching of two Israeli reservists in Ramallah and the decision to make retaliatory attacks, Oct 2000.

Transcript of interview, 2004, with Saeb Erekat, Head of the PLO Steering and Monitoring Committee, 1995-2003

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Saeb Erekat, Head of PLO Steering and Monitoring Committee, 1995-2003, describing negotiations between Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, and Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, the peace agreement signed at Sharm el-Sheikh, Sep 1999; the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, and talks with Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, 2002. Also additional extracts from the transcript, with minor changes of transcription and editing. Some manuscript annotations throughout.

Transcript of interview, [2004], with Mohamad Abu Hamid, member of al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade

Two copies of typescript transcript of rolls 403-404 of a filmed interview with Mohamad Abu Hamid, member of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, including accounts of the collapse of the Camp David Accord, Jul 2000; visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and al-Asqa mosque by Ariel Sharon, leader of the Israeli Likud Party 1999-2005, Sep 2000; death of Palestinian Raed Karmi, al-Asqsa Martyrs’ Brigade member, Jan 2002; Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, the Israeli military action in the Palestinian refugee camp at Jenin, Apr 2002; the organisation and structure of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

Transcript of interview, [2004], with Mazen Hussein, occupant of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem during the 2002 siege by Israeli forces

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Mazen Hussein, one of the Palestinians within the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, during the Israeli siege of the church, Apr-May 2002, describing the Israeli Defence Forces raid on Bethlehem and subsequent siege.

Transcript of interview, [2004], with Gilead Sher, Israeli Chief of Staff, 1999-2001

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Gilead Sher, Israeli Chief Negotiator, 1999-2001 and Israeli Chief of Staff, 1999-2001, describing the first meeting between Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, and Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, at the Erez Crossing, Gaza, Jul 1999; the impact of the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, May 2000; meeting with Yasser Arafat to persuade him to attend the Camp David summit, Nablus, Jun 2000; the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including the American contribution to the summit, discussions within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem, official and private meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, conversations with Ehud Barak; reaction to the visit to the Temple Mount and al-Asqa mosque, Jerusalem, by Ariel Sharon, leader of the Israeli Likud Party 1999-2005, Sep 2000; cease fire negotiations at the residence of the US Ambassador, Paris, France, 4 Oct 2000, particularly the behaviour of Jacques Chirac, President of France 1995-2007 ; the presentation of the Clinton Parameters (the Clinton Plan) by William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001, Dec 2000.

Transcript of interview, 2004, with Gidi Grinstein, Assistant Chief of Negotiations, 1999-2001

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Gidi Grinstein, Negotiation Secretary and Assistant Chief of Negotiations, 1999-2001, describing events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000; presentation of ‘The Clinton Parameters’, document outlining ideas for a peace settlement, prepared by William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001, Washington, Dec 2001.

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