International conflicts



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International conflicts

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International conflicts

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International conflicts

650 Archival description results for International conflicts

650 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

SWINTON, Maj Gen Sir Ernest (1868-1951)

  • Collection
  • 1916-1941

Papers and correspondence relating to Swinton's libel action brought against Herbert George (H G) Wells on the origin of the tank, 1941, including letters to Swinton from R Adm Sir Murray Fraser Sueter, H G Wells, B A Levinson and Sir Richard (Roy) Maconachie, 1940-1941. Typescript letter from Col Sir Maurice Paschal Alers Hankey, Secretary of the Committee of Imperial Defence, dated 5 May 1932, on the manuscript of Swinton's book Eyewitness. Being personal reminiscences of certain phases of the Great War, including the genesis of the tank (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1932). Two scrapbooks containing cuttings, photographs and memorabilia, 1915-1970, mostly relating to Swinton's military career. Edition of The supply of munitions. Part III. Tanks [1920], Royal Commission on awards to inventors. First Report (HMSO, London, 1921), The defence of Duffer's Drift by Swinton, (George Ronald, Oxford, 1949), and War commentary. Broadcasts delivered between October, 1939 and March, 1940 (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1940).

Swinton, Sir Ernest Dunlop, 1868-1951, Major General

SUTTON, Wg Cdr John Frank (1913-1995)

  • Collection
  • 1943-1944

Photographs relating to bomb-aiming, 1943-1944, taken by Sutton during raids on North West Europe.

Sutton, John Frank, 1913-1995, Wing Commander

SULLIVAN, Lt Col Arthur Joseph (1899-1981)

  • Collection
  • [1962-1970]

Typescript text on 'The birth of the Intelligence Corps', BEF, 1939-1940, written in [1962-1970].

Sullivan, Arthur Joseph, 1899-1981, Lieutenant Colonel


  • Collection
  • 1956

Transcripts of interviews relating to political, diplomatic and military aspects of the Suez Crisis of 1956, with Rt Hon Julian Amery, Baron Amery of Lustleigh; Sir Harold Beeley; Sir Frederick Arthur Bishop; Rt Hon Sir Frank Cooper; Sir Patrick Henry Dean; Sir (Arthur) Douglas Dodds-Parker; Sir William Goodenough Hayter; Rt Hon Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home, Baron Home of the Hirsel; Brig Kenneth Hunt; Rt Hon Douglas Patrick Thomas Jay, Baron Jay of Battersea; Gen Sir Frank Douglas King; Sir Donald Arthur Logan; Roger Mellor Makins, 1st Baron Sherfield; Sir Guy Elwin Millard; Sir David Bruce Pitblado; Sir Richard Royle Powell; (George Frank) Norman Reddaway; Sir (D'Arcy) Patrick Reilly; Sir Archibald David Manisty Ross; Sir (Charles Arthur) Evelyn Shuckburgh; Sir Denis Arthur Hepworth Wright. Copies of the Protocol of Sèvres, 24 Oct 1956, recording the agreements reached between the governments of Great Britain, France and Israel during discussions held in France, 22-24 Oct 1956, on a joint politico-military response to Egypt's nationalisation of the Suez Canal.

Institute of Contemporary British History

STUART, Maj Gen Sir Andrew Mitchell (1861-1936)

  • Collection
  • [1885]-1887

Papers relating to his life and career, 1884-1919, dated [1885]-1887, [1902]-1903, 1914-1919, 1932-1935, principally comprising letters to his family describing his service with No 4 Section Telegraph Bn, Royal Engineers, Sudan, 1885-1887; diary, May-Jun [1885], including details of inspections of telegraph line between Halfa and Aswan; note on maintenance and operation of telegraph lines, Sudan and Egypt, 1884-1887, dated [1934-1935]; 'Reminiscences of the Nile Expedition, 1884-1885 and after', typescript text by Col A H Bagnold, 1935; appointment diaries and notebooks kept by Stuart as Director of Works, British Armies in France, 1914-1919; 'Some private recollections of a base wallah, 1914-1919', bound carbon copy of typescript by Col C[harles] L[ouis] Spencer, 1933, describing his service in Lines of Communication bases in Northern France, 1914-1919.

Stuart, Sir Andrew Mitchell, 1861-1936, Major General

STREET, Maj Gen Vivian Wakefield (1912-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1932-1960

Typescript transcripts of letters home from Street, 1932, May-Sep 1938 and 1941-1944, including accounts of Allied evacuation from Greece, 1941, and Street's escape from an Italian submarine as a POW, 1943. Two narrative diaries relating to service in Palestine, Aug-Oct 1939, and Kenya, Jun-Dec 1940. Volume entitled 'Long ago and far away', typescript memoir by Annette Street, widow of Maj Gen Vivian Wakefield Street, foreword by Sir Fitzroy Hew Maclean, 1st Bt, with seven photographs, 1938-1945. Sixty one photographs relating to Street's career, 1938-1960, including rebellion in Palestine, 1938-1939, and Middle East, 1940-1943. Edition of Blackwood's Magazine, Mar 1947, with article by Street entitled 'Some men have nine lives', an account of the escape from the Italian submarine, 1943. Printed programme of official visit to Aden by Julian Amery MP, Under Secretary of State for War, and Gen Sir Geoffrey Kemp Bourne, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Land Forces, Sep-Oct 1957, with typescript itineraries of visit and four photographs. Comments on named individuals, Jordan, 1961 [CLOSED]. Newspaper cuttings and related papers on the award of the MC to Street, Palestine, 1938, the evacuation from Greece, 1941, and the escape from the Italian submarine, 1943.

Street, Vivian Wakefield, 1912-1970, Major General

STONE, Brig John Southam Wycherley (1895-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1939-1983

Copies of papers relating to Stone's career, 1939-1982, including typescript account entitled 'Duck shooting in the upper Jordan valley, 1938-1939', a shoot organised by Maj Gen Bernard Law Montgomery, General Officer Commanding 8 Div, northern Palestine, 1939; typescript extracts from letters by Stone to his wife whilst serving in Palestine, 1938, and extracts from letters to his wife whilst serving as Chief Engineer, Berlin, Germany, 1945-1946; letter from Lt Col Desmond Harrison, Royal Engineers, dated 26 Jun 1940, relating to the campaign in France and the evacuation of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) from Dunkirk, 26 May-Jun 1940; typescript 'Chief Engineer's diary', 16 Apr 1942-5 Nov 1945, with an account by an unknown English woman who spent the war in Germany, entitled 'Notes on Berlin in April 1945'; typescript account by Stone of the Normandy invasion and advance of 2 Army to the Netherlands, Jul-Oct 1944; typescript extracts from letters by Stone to his wife, Greece, Feb-Oct 1946, and letters from Mount Zion College, Jerusalem, Palestine, Jul 1946; typescript autobiography, 1895-1950; typescript notes on Atomic Research Centre, Aldermaston, Berkshire, 1950-1958; printed booklet in French and English entitled Keep in mind. La Batisse aux Anglais (1977) by Philippe Bauduin, with related correspondence, 1976; typescript draft obituary, 1983.

Stone, John Southam Wycherley, 1895-1983, Brigadier

STOCKWELL, Gen Sir Hugh Charles (1903-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1923-1987

Papers relating to early career including memoirs covering 1903-1935 and Army Record of Service, 1923-1952; campaign in Norway, World War Two, including War Diary, May 1940, operational orders and diary covering preparation of 2 Independent Company for service in Norway; papers including lecture notes and schedules for courses at Special Training Centre, Inverailort Castle, Loch Ailort, 1940-1941; Madagascar, 1942-1943, including photograph album on service with 2 Company Royal Welch Fusiliers and order of battle for Battle of Majunga, Sep 1942; Burma, 1943-1945, including memoir and photograph album, 29 Brigade, 36 Division, official reports and printed histories including the Arakan campaign; Palestine, 1947-1948 including Operation BROADSIDE, 1946, reports and correspondence; transfer of 6 Airborne Division to British Army of the Rhine, 1947-1948; Malaya, including operational papers, photographs and texts of speeches; Suez Crisis, 1956, including reports, maps, photographs and correspondence; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, 1960-1964 including photographs; and miscellaneous papers relating to postwar career, including memorial address, 1987.

Stockwell, Sir Hugh Charles, 1903-1986, Knight, General

STEVENSON-HAMILTON, Lt Col Vivian Edgar Olmar (1907-1986)

  • Collection
  • [1941]

Papers relating to his service in the Indian Army, dated [1941], 1942, [1944], 1947, 1962-1964, 1970, 1973, 1984, principally comprising photographs of convoys at Sarwekai on the route between Mangai and Wana, South Wazaristan, India, [1941]; operation instructions for 50 Parachute Bde exercise in Tughlakabad area, India, Mar 1942; 'Some notes on Gurkhas', typescript text by Stevenson-Hamilton, 1943; typescript account of the service of 4 Prince of Wales's Own Gurkha Rifles, India, 1943-1944, written by Stevenson-Hamilton in [1944]; typescript account of the service of 2 Bn, 4 Prince of Wales' Own Gurkha Rifles, Italy, 1944, written by [Stevenson-Hamilton] in [1944]; unsigned official notes on a tour of Arakan by 98 Indian Infantry Bde, Burma, 1944; 71 Indian Infantry Bde instructions for operations in Maungdaw, Burma, Apr 1944; typescript text on Gurkha operations in Wazaristan and the Punjab, India, 1947, and on the proposed transfer of Gurkha regiments to the British Army, 1947; notebook containing notes on misdemeanours and crimes committed by soldiers at Garlochhead Training Camp, Helensburgh, 1962-1964.

Hamilton, Vivian Edgar Olmar Stevenson-, 1907-1986, Lieutenant Colonel

STEVENSON, Col Robert Colin Russell (1896-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1913-1958

Papers and photographs, 1913-1958, including fourteen panoramic photographs produced by Survey Company, Royal Engineers, Salonika Force, labelled to show topographical details, Feb 1917; 'Salonika fire', 18-19 Aug 1917, a series of 24 official photographs of the city, taken by Survey Company, Royal Engineers and Royal Flying Corps; two photographs, one of a uniformed group including Stevenson, [1946], and the other of an unidentified painting showing construction work on an airfield [1940]. Papers relating to the evacuation of Royal Engineers establishments in Beit-Nabala and Haifa, Palestine, 1948. Editions of Notes on building materials and their uses (School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1913); 'RMA (Royal Military Academy) Magazine', Vol XV, No 58, Nov 1914.

Stevenson, Robert Colin Russell, 1896-1983, Colonel

STEVENS, Brig Gen George Archibald (1875-1951)

  • Collection
  • 1914-1918

Comprising a single volume of typescript letters by George Archibald Stevens to his parents from the Western Front, Nov 1914 - Nov 1918; notably including accounts of Second Battle of Ypres, Apr-May 1915, and Battle of the Somme, Jul-Nov 1916; photographs of Stevens, a group photograph of fellow officers, family, billet, bombed countryside and one unidentified aerial photograph; mostly uncaptioned.

Stephens, George Archibald, 1875-1951, Brigadier General

STEVENI, Colonel Leo (1893-1972)

  • Collection
  • 1963

Unpublished typescript memoirs, 1893-1969, including: accounts of life in the British colony in St Petersburg before World War One; work in the British Military Mission at the Russian War Office; events witnessed during the Russian Revolution and conditions for the Russian Army during the Revolution, 1917-1918; evacuation of British personnel from Russia, February 1918; negotiating with Finnish Red and White commanders while travelling through Finland during the Civil War; liaising with Admiral Aleksandr Vasiliyevich Kolchak and the White armies in Harbin, China, 1918; liaising with General Mikhail Konstantinovich Dieterichs, Czechoslovak Legions, and a special mission to Ataman Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov (or Semenov) in Chita, Transbaikalia, November 1918; activities as General Sir Harry Knox's liaison officer at the White Army Headquarters in Omsk, November 1918 - November 1919; the retreat from Omsk to Vladivostock following the success of the Bolshevik army, November 1919 - March 1920; stationing in Gibraltar and Egypt, 1921-1922; life and work in Simla, Waziristan and Kamptee, India, 1922-1928; work as an intelligence officer, Meshed, Persia (Iran), 1928-1931; life and work in Bombay, Ajmer, Jhansi, Alwar and Delhi, India, 1932-1935, including description of rioting under the Maharajah of Alwar; experiences working in India, China and Egypt during World War Two, including visit to Palestine; account of working in the post-war timber trade and as a consultant in the Russian Section of the London Chamber of Commerce. Also article 'Anglo-Russian Timber Trade: Personal Reminiscences and Reflections of Col L Steveni', The Timber Trades Journal , 11 March 1961, and article by Richard J Aldrich, University of Nottingham, from Modern Asian Studies 32, 1 (1998), pp. 179-217, entitled "Britain's Secret Intelligence Service in Asia during the Second World War" including analysis of Steveni's role as Director of British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in Asia.

Steveni, Leo, 1893-1972, Colonel

STERN, Lt Col Sir Albert Gerald (1878-1966)

  • Collection
  • 1914-1959

Papers relating to his role in the development and production of armoured fighting vehicles, dated 1914-1959, 1964, 1994, principally comprising correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the Landships Committee, 1915-1916, and the Tank Supply Committee, Tank Supply Department (later Mechanical Warfare Supply Department) and Mechanical Warfare (Overseas and Allies) Department, 1916-1918; progress reports and memoranda on design and construction of landships, 1915; plans, drawings and blueprints for landships and tanks, 1915-1916; 'Notes on the employment of tanks' by Col Ernest Dunlop Swinton, printed at the Foreign Office, 1916; 'Mechanical warfare, a summary of British tank development, 1914-1918', typescript text by Stern, [1925]; papers relating to the establishment of the Allied Tank Factory at Neuvy Pailloux, Chateauroux, France, dated 1917-1918; notes and reports by Lt J Rackham and George Watson relating to the use of tanks on the Western Front, 1917; 'The tactical employment of tanks in 1918', unofficial report by Col John Frederick Charles Fuller, 1917; correspondence and memoranda relating to Ministry of Supply Special Vehicle Development Committee and the Tank Board, 1939-1943, and the design and development of TOG heavy tanks, 1939-1944 ['TOG' - The Old Gang, informal name for Special Vehicle Development Committee members, some of whom had worked on tank development during World War One], including correspondence with Rt Hon Edward Leslie Burgin, Minister of Supply, 1939-1940, Rt Hon Herbert Stanley Morrison, Minister of Supply, 1940, Rt Hon Sir Andrew Rae Duncan, Minister of Supply, 1940-1941 and 1942, Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, 1941-1942, Sir James Lithgow, Chairman of the Tank Board, 1941, and Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill 1940-1942, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Defence, Sir William Tritton of Tritton, Foster and Co, and Cdr R H Stokes-Rees, 1943-1944; official reports by Lt Col Gordon Hall on British and Italian use of tanks in the Middle East, 1940-1941, dated 1941; specifications and technical reports relating to tanks, 1939-1944; minutes of Special Vehicle Development Committee, 1939-1942; papers relating to investigation of Stern's position in the Ministry of Supply, 1942, dated 1939-1942, including transcriptions of interviews with Stern, 1942; correspondence and memoranda relating to Stern's evidence before the Sub-Committee on National Production and Supply of the House of Commons Select Committee on National Expenditure; publications and printed material relating to tanks, 1915-1919, 1939-1946, 1959; photographs, 1915-1918, 1939-1945, principally comprising British, French and Canadian photographs of tanks, 1915-1918; photographs of TOG tanks, 1939-1942; films concerning the development of the tank, 1918, 1941-1942, 1957. Other papers relating to his life and career, notably including photographs relating to his service with the Royal Naval Air Service, 1914-1915; copies of personal correspondence, 1918-1919.

Stern, Sir Albert Gerald, 1878-1966, Knight, Lieutenant Colonel

STARLING, Brig John Geoffrey (1928-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1944-1992

Papers relating to the career of Brig John 'Joe' Starling, 1947-1992, including copy of memoir Soldier On! The Testament of a Tom , (Spellmount Ltd., 1992), detailing 45 years of Starling's military career; pamphlets and brochures advertising the Parachute Regiment and the Red Devils display team including The Parachute Regiment: Challenge! , c.1970; Train to be a Parachute Soldier , [1975]; Parachute Regiment and Officer Parachute Regiment , Office of Information, 1985; The Airborne Initiative: The 1990 Airborne Forces Golden Jubilee Appeal , 1989 and recruitment posters; recognition guides including Tips for Tankers: Defeating Soviet Armor , US Army Armor School, c 1955; Recognition Handbook: Foreign Weapons and Equipment (USSR) , MOD, 1964; Notes on the Soviet Ground Forces , MOD, 1972; Intelligence Aide-Memoire , Staff College, Camberley, 1976; Threat Recognition Guide , 1 (BR) Intelligence Training Directive, 1984; RAF: Aircraft, Missiles, Vehicles , Office of Information, 1985; Threat Recognition Guide , 1 (BR) Intelligence Training Directive, 1988; and flipbook showing Soviet weaponry and equipment.

Publications including Field Engineering and Mine Warfare, Pamphlet No. 4: Mines - Individual Mechanisms , War Office, 1961; NATO: Facts and Figures , NATO Information Service, 1971; Ranger Handbook , United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, May 1972; Northern Ireland: What is it like for soldiers? , HMSO, 1974; Back Pocket Briefs: Royal Navy, Directorate of Naval Staff Duties , MOD, c.1988.

Lecture notes, handouts, pictures, maps and teaching aids on topics including lessons learned at Fibua Tewt, Aden, May-June 1967; battle handling exercises: tank stalk and tank ambush; explosive excavation of trenches; tactical exercises, Joint Services Free Fall Trials Team, May 1971, and the construction of petrol bombs to effectively attack tanks. Photographs including Starling in a rubber estate, evening meal in the jungle, Bukit Prang Base, river crossing, a patrol resting, armoured 3 ton truck, the corpses of Tamil terrorists killed in ambush, captured weapons displayed by an Iban tracker, Malay policemen and Starling, Malaya, 1949; group photographs including Champion and Waterloo Company; Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, July 1947; Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Hare and Hounds; Waterloo Company, July 1948; No 2 Platoon, East Anglian Regiment Training Brigade; Officers, School of Infantry (Platoon Weapons Wing), Hythe, May 1950; School of Infantry Tactical Wing Platoon Commanders Course, August 1950 and the Parachute Regiment Regimental Sergeants Major Convention, March 1973. Also Yemeni flag with National Liberation Front slogan in Arabic, Aden, 1963.

Starling, John Geoffrey ('Joe'), 1928-1996, Brigadier

STANFORD, Brig Henry Morrant (1894-1957)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1942

Papers, 1940-1942, including correspondence, reports and memoranda relating to gunnery techniques and tactics, when Stanford commanded Support Group, 8 Armoured Div, Middle East, 1941-1942. Typescript summary of points arising from Exercise DRAGON, Jan 1941, with typescript precis of lecture 'Tactical handling of German and Italian armoured formations'; typescript memoranda by Maj Gen Charles Wake Norman on armoured tactics, Apr 1941; typescript memorandum on point of aim for the 2 pounder anti-tank gun, [1941]; typescript memorandum relating to the organisation of self propelled artillery, Royal Horse Artillery, Jan 1942; typescript papers on the role of an air observation post in an armoured division, with typescript precis of lecture entitled 'The air observation post', 1942. Correspondence with Lt Col Rawdon Hoare, Commanding Officer, 5 Regt, Royal Horse Artillery, 1940-1942, on anti-tank exercises; deployment of Royal Horse Artillery when supporting armoured troops and regimental targets.

Stanford, Henry Morrant, 1894-1957, Brigadier

STAMMERS, Professor Francis Alan Roland (1898-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1944-1945

Diary, Jul 1944-Jun 1945, covering his service as Consulting Surgeon, 8 Army, Italy.

Stammers, Francis Alan Roland, 1898-1982, Surgeon and Professor of Surgery

SPROT, Lt Col Aidan Mark (b 1919)

  • Collection
  • 1947

Memoir of his service with the Royal Scots Greys in the Middle East, 1942-1943, Italy, 1943-1944, and North West Europe, 1944-1945, written from his own experiences and using regimental war diaries, 1947.

Sprot, Aidan Mark, fl 1919-2015, Lieutenant Colonel

SPRAWSON, Maj Gen Sir Cuthbert Allan (1877-1956)

  • Collection
  • [1938]

Typescript memoir entitled '37 years in the IMS [Indian Medical Service]', [1938], notably concerning the treatment of tuberculosis in India, 1910-1937, service in Waziristan, North West Frontier, India, 1901-1902, prison service, Jhansi, 1906-1907, and service in World War One with the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force, 1916-1918, 304 pps.

Sprawson, Sir Cuthbert Allan, 1877-1956, Knight, Major General

SPOONER, Megan (1898-1987)

  • Collection
  • 1941-[1959]

Papers relating to her life in Singapore, 1941-1942, dated 1941-[1959], principally comprising diaries and personal letters describing her voyage to Malaya, 1941, and life in Singapore, 1941-1942; press cuttings, 1942, 1945-1946, relating to R Adm Ernest John Spooner's appointment as R Adm Malaya, 1942, and to his death on the island of Chibia (Tjibia, Tjebia) following his escape from Singapore, 1942; photographs, 1940, 1946, notably of Capt Sir David Bone and his search party on Chibia during their search for R Adm Spooner, 1946; correspondence relating to Megan Spooner's claim for war damages, 1945-1947. Also an account, 'Fall of Singapore and the Dutch East Indies and defence of Ceylon' by Capt Andrew Nichol Grey, RN, detailing his experiences on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief, Far East, ACM Sir (Henry) Robert (Moore) Brooke-Popham and subsequently Gen Sir Henry Royds Pownall, from early 1941 to Feb 1942, written [1946].

Spooner, Megan, 1898-1987, opera singer and wife of Rear Admiral Ernest John Spooner

SPICER, Capt Lancelot Dykes (1893-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1979

Letters home by Spicer from France, Sep 1915-Sep 1916 and Apr 1917-Nov 1918, with nine Field Service Postcards, Western Front, 1915-1917. Letters home from Lt Roger Lancelot Spicer, 1 Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Apr 1942-May 1944, killed in action near Anzio, Italy, May 1944; Edition of Letters from my son, 1942-1944, Roger Lancelot Spicer, edited by his father, Capt Lancelot Dykes Spicer (Unwin, London, 1946). Typescript correspondence with Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1949-1963. Correspondence with former members of 9 (Service) Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1963-1979, including Liddell Hart and Brig George Fothergill Ellenberger, mostly relating to the Battle of the Somme, 1916.

Spicer, Lancelot Dykes, 1893-1979, Army Captain

Results 121 to 140 of 650