The collection includes copies of the official verdict transcript of American Military Tribunal III, 1947-1948, at which the United States tried twelve German industrialists from the Fried. Krupp AG company for crimes committed during World War Two. ... »
The collection includes copies of the official verdict transcript of American Military Tribunal III, 1947-1948, at which the United States tried twelve German industrialists from the Fried. Krupp AG company for crimes committed during World War Two. Included among the defendants were Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, head of Fried. Krupp AG (or the Krupp Concern); Ewald Oskar Ludwig Loeser, finance and administration officer for Fried. Krupp AG; and ten of the Krupp managers, including Erich Mueller; Friedrich von Bulow; and Hans Albert Gustav Kupke.